Saturday, June 18, 2011

About University of Nicosia

The University of Nicosia is an independent, co-educational, equal opportunity tertiary education institution, combining the best elements in western education, quality standards and an international philosophy.

Located in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, an island which lies at the cross-roads of three continents, the University has quickly become a global education centre. International in philosophy, the University hosts students from all over the world, in a multicultural learning environment, promoting friendship, cooperation and understanding.

The University pursues excellence in education through high teaching standards, in a continually improving academic environment. Besides classroom instruction, the University offers students opportunities to become involved in a whole range of activities including student clubs, sports, public lectures and seminars.

The University is actively involved in European and local research projects as a partner and as a coordinating institution. Additionally, the University of Nicosia received approval for an Erasmus University Charter and is an official participant in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The University of Nicosia is also actively involved in the community with campaigns for various causes, including environmental protection. In recognition of this work the institution received the prestigious “Global 500” award from the United Nations. Other examples of community service include campaigns for fighting world hunger and raising funds for worthy causes. In an ongoing project, professors help prison inmates acquire knowledge and skills in Computing, Art and Psychology.

Academic tradition encourages the majority of the world’s universities to adopt the name of the city which hosts them. Indeed, this occurs almost as a rule when the city in question happens to be the capital city. The University of Nicosia is proud of the ties and status which its name conveys. To this end, the University is committed to maintaining its position at the forefront of education, research and social service; in line with the enduring motto of the institution: “Excellence in Education”.

The University of Nicosia aspires to be a leading contributor to excellence in education and research.

To help students become educated individuals, achieve their academic and professional goals and assume responsible roles in a changing world of European cooperation and global interdependence; to promote research and the generation of knowledge; to be of service to society through the dissemination and application of knowledge, as well as through innovative partnerships with business and civic society institutions.

Statement of Values
To foster within the University community the values of personal and academic integrity; the liberty to question and to pursue knowledge;, of respect for the laws of the Cyprus Republic, the European Union and the University; democratic governance and management of the institution; respect for persons; professionalism and diligence; ethical behaviour; civic responsibility; multi-cultural awareness; tolerance; sustainability of resources; entrepreneurship and innovation; personalised attention and student focus.

The University of Nicosia’s roots date back to 1980 and it’s predecessor institution, Intercollege. Starting out small, in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, Intercollege initially prepared students to successfully pass external exams of professional education bodies, while soon after it began offering its own programmes of study. In a matter of a few years, the college had greatly expanded its operations, adding two campuses in the other two major cities, developing into "the largest and most reputable college in Cyprus" (according to repeated opinion surveys by independent research companies).

The University of Nicosia emerged in 2007, following changes in the relevant local legislation and a comprehensive accreditation process. Through its four schools, the University offers a diverse range of academic programmes of study, at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees). Intercollege remains an associate institution, complementing the University’s study offerings through its vocational and shorter duration programmes, and through a variety of joint programmes in partnership with UK universities.
Along the way, the institution has distinguished itself on multiple fronts – earning prestigious awards, such as the United Nations "Global 500" Award, for its contribution in the protection and improvement of the environment; and establishing the first UNESCO Chair in Cyprus, for the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. More recently, the institution has been honoured by the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) with two entrepreneurial Excellence Awards, including the Excellence Award in Educational Services; while it has also been awarded with a Silver Medal in Business Ethics Excellence (BEE) by the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), in recognition of its sound corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

The University has also been recognized by the European Commission, being awarded with an Erasmus University Charter, while it remains the only private university in Cyprus to receive the European Commission Diploma Supplement Label – among 106 European universities in total to hold this distinction. Moreover, the University of Nicosia is the only non-state university in Cyprus that is a member of the European University Association (EUA).

Today, the University of Nicosia is the leading independent university in Cyprus; the result of solid and systematic work by all, administration, faculty and staff, as well as, the total contribution of the institution to tertiary education, not only in Cyprus but also in the region. It is the culmination of an ongoing journey, which began over 30 years ago, and has established the University as a leading tertiary education provider in Cyprus – in line with the enduring motto of the institution: “Excellence in Education”.

Below is a brief history of the evolution of the institution in watershed points, since its establishment in 1980:

The beginning
Intercollege was founded in 1980 and had: 6 students; 4 Part-time Faculty; 1 Director; 1 Secretary; 1 Coffee Brewing Machine; 3 Classrooms; 1 Office; 1 Reception.

Watershed Points (History):

* Intercollege is founded as a tertiary level educational institution. Programmes offered lead to the awards of British professional education bodies.

* Internal Certificate and Diploma programmes are introduced – modelled on the British system of education.

* Intercollege moves to new, larger premises (ex-Akropol hotel and annex). University of the State of New York (USNY) Bachelor external degrees are introduced. Internal Associate and Bachelor degree programmes are also introduced – modelled on the American system of education.

* Intercollege merges with Indianapolis Educational Centre, linked with the University of Indianapolis, whose programmes are now offered through Intercollege.


* Intercollege begins operations in Limassol.

* Intercollege Larnaca campus begins operation, after the incorporation of a small local college (Cosmos College).

* The Cyprus Review, the only scholarly journal dealing with Cyprus social, economic and political issues, commences publication.


* Opinion survey by an independent research firm shows Intercollege to be "the most reputable college in Cyprus".

* Intercollege earns the "Global 500" international distinction of the United Nations (Environment Programme) in recognition of its outstanding contribution in the protection and improvement of the environment.
* The Research and Development Centre is established and begins to organise a number of important scholarly events and activities, including surveys, conferences and symposia.

* Incorporation of Accountancy Tutors, a specialized, upcoming educational organization: its directors are put in charge of the Professional Accounting Unit (ACCA courses).

* Inauguration of the new, purpose-built Nicosia campus by the President of the Republic.
* Cine Studio, a cinema theatre specializing in quality films, is established on Intercollege premises; along the lines of Art-Film galleries in European cities.
* Accreditation by North Central Association (NCA), America's largest accreditation body.

* Accreditation by the European (Irish) National Council for Educational Awards (NCEA).

* Intercollege receives accreditation for 49 programmes by SECAP, the local accreditation board; by far the largest number of accredited programmes among all colleges.
* Intercollege files an application to become the first private university of Cyprus.

(NB: no relevant legislation was in place at the time)

* Inauguration of the “Millennium” building.

* Intercollege programmes are restructured, resulting in the creation of four Schools encompassing thirteen Departments. The first School Deans and Department Heads are appointed.
* The total number of Intercollege programmes accredited by SECAP reaches 51.

* The Senate is set up, as the top academic body, and begins functioning.
* At the time, Intercollege had a staff total of 415; including 160 full-time faculty, 128 part-time faculty and 127 administrative and support staff. Included were 90 PhD holders.
* Increasing emphasis is put on research. At this stage, research output for the year included: 6 books, 7 monographs, 17 chapters in books, 74 journal papers and 68 conference proceedings.
* Externally funded research amounting to CYP 430,000 is brought in through IPE (the Foundation for the Promotion of Research), as well as UNOPS, and the European 5th Framework fund; additional funding from the Leonardo da Vinci and the Youth of Europe programmes.
* Intercollege creates a training centre in Athens, claiming 95% of the market in professional training (Certified Accounting, Chartered Financial Analysts, and Certified Internal Auditors).

* Success in many international competitions: e.g. Gold Medal received by an international student in the “2003 International Competition for University Students”.

* Ranked as “the most reputable” and “best” college in local opinion poll.
* Inauguration of the “EUROPA” building.


* Following three years of negotiations, Intercollege wins the privilege of establishing the first UNESCO Chair in Cyprus. The Chair aims at the promotion of cultural diversity, intellectual dialogue, and a Culture of Peace.

* We gain university status!

* Schools and Departments:

- School of Business:
Accounting; Finance and Economics; Hospitality and Tourism; Management and Management Information Systems; Marketing
- School of Education:
Education; Music
- School of Sciences:
Computer Science; Engineering; Life and Health Sciences
- School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law:
Architecture; Communications; Design and Multimedia; European Studies and International Relations; Languages and Literature; Law; Social Sciences

* By this time, the organisation has 230 Faculty members (all 3 campuses), 210 Staff members and 4,742 Students.

* Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards 2009; organized for the first time by the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB); based partly on an island-wide, random sample opinion survey of 800 citizens and 600 organizations/businesses. University of Nicosia was awarded with the:

- Excellence Award in Educational Services
- Breadth of New Products and Services Award

* University of Nicosia-PAPAZISIS Press collaboration; a formal partnership which enables the joint publication of academic works, and their wide dissemination (in both Greece and Cyprus) via the respective distribution channels of each publisher.

(NB: The first book, entitled “The Politics of Education in Cyprus” [Τα Πολιτικά της Εκπαίδευσης στην Κύπρο] by Panayiotis K. Persianis, launched the partnership in April this year).

* Business Ethics Excellence (BEE) Award, SILVER MEDAL; awarded to organizations that demonstrate Sound Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility; granted by the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)
* - Greek Charter, following our application, meticulous documentation and a thorough on-site assessment. No organization has ever been awarded the SILVER or GOLD certification from the first attempt.
* ECPU affirms our first PhD programme: PhD in Education Sciences, with two specializations: (i) Education Leadership and Administration (ii) Theory, Practice and Evaluation of Teaching.

* Nicosia Campus moved to our current location in 1995. Our student body numbered 900.
* Today, our collective student body (University of Nicosia and Intercollege) numbers approximately 5,000 students.


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