How to apply for admission?
Admission Form
1. Students seeking admission can collect Admission Form from the Admission Office or download it from the following link :
Download Admission Form
2. Duly filled-in Admission Form should be submitted to the Admission Office with required fees and 2 (two) copies of passport size attested photographs within deadline. (Refer to Admission Procedure below for details on how to get admitted)
Admission for Summer 2011
Last date of Application
: 6 June 2011
Admission Test
: 7 June 2011 3:00 pm
* For undergraduate programs: Students with average GPA 4 or above in SSC (or equivalent) exam and HSC (or equivalent) exam do not need to sit for the admission test.
Admission Schedule
Eastern University admits students every semester. Admission schedule of the semester showing deadlines for admission form submission, admission test, admission fee payment, registration, withdrawal, class commencement etc. is available on the web site of the University The admission schedule may also be known from the Admission Office and from frequent admission announcements published by the University in the leading news papers. The students seeking admission should visit web site of Eastern University or contact the Admission Office for admission form and further information.
Admission Office
The Admission Office is located on the ground floor of Campus Building 1 of the University at the following address:
Eastern University
House # 15/2, Road # 3, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205
Phone: +88 02 9676031-5 Ext:- 101,102 Fax: 9675981
Mobile: +88 01741300002, +88 01823660833
Candidates from Nepal may contact:
Students Pvt. Ltd.
House # 63 (1st Floor), Thapathali,
Jaycees Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4269146
Mobile: +977-9851057227, +977-9841718897, +977-9803002161
Admission requirements for Undergraduate Programs:
Candidates with a minimum GPA of 2.50 in both SSC/Dakhil and HSC/Alim/Diploma from Technical Education Board or Minimum GPA of 2.00 in one of those examination. with total GPA of 6.00 in both the exams are eligible for admission .The GCE students must have passed five subjects in O-Level and two subjects in A-Level.
Admission requirements for Graduate Programs:
Students must have at least second division or GPA of 2.50 in SSC and HSC exams or have passed at least five subjects in O-Level and two subjects in A-Level and have minimum second class or GPA of 2.50 in Bachelor Level. Executive MBA Program requires in addition at least 2 years of job experience.
Admission Procedure
Undergraduate Programs:
A candidate seeking admission in Undergraduate Program must
1. Collect or download prescribed admission form.
2. Fill-in prescribed admission form.
3. Submit the admission form with 2 copies of passport size attested colour photograph within the
deadline and pay for the Admission form, if you have not already paid.
4. Collect admit card for admission Test.
5. Appear at the Admission Test. Students with average GPA 4 or above in SSC (or equivalent) exam and HSC (or equivalent) exam do not need to sit for the admission test.
6. Submit attested copies of certificates/testimonials of all examinations passed.
7. Submit 2 copies of passport size and 2 copies of stamp size attested colour photographs.
8. Pay admission and other fees within the deadline in Dhaka Bank, Road No. 7, Dhanmondi R/A or in
any branch of Dhaka Bank,
9. Show the bank receipt to the Admission Office, complete other formalities and collect ID Number.
10. Collect ID Card when ready from the Program Office of your Faculty.
11. Collect invitation letter of Orienation program from the Admission Office to join the program
Graduate Programs:
A candidate seeking admission in Graduate Program must
1. Collect or download prescribed admission form.
2. Attach attested copies of all certificates/testimonials and mark sheets/transcripts of all examinations
3. Attach 4 copies of passport size and 2 copies of stamp size attested colour photographs.
4. Pay for the admission form, if you have not already paid.
5. Pay admission and other fees within the deadline in Dhaka Bank, Road No. 7,
Dhanmondi R/A or in any branch of the Dhaka Bank.
6. Show the bank receipt to the Admission Office, complete other formalities and collect ID Number.
7. Collect ID Card when ready from the Program Office of your Faculty.
8. Collect invitation letter of Orienation program from the Admission Office to join the program
International Students
Individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of Bangladesh are defined as international applicants. International applicants seeking admission into EU must meet the same academic standards as those required for Bangladeshi students. There are wide variations, however, among educational systems throughout the world that make an exact comparison of educational standards difficult. International applicants who cannot sit for admission test are selected on the basis of their prior academic results, English proficiency, probability of success in the chosen curriculum as evidenced by prior work in the academic area involved, and certification of adequate financial resources.
Transfer Students
Transfer students are expected to have at least a 2.00 CGPA on a 4-point scale at the University level programs to be considered for admission to Eastern University. They have to sit for and pass the Admission Test unless waived by EU Authority.
Catalogs and official transcripts from previously attended Universities must be furnished with the application for admission. If needed, transcripts may have to be sent directly to the EU Registrar's Office from each institution attended. An undergraduate student may transfer (through grade transfer or course exemption or a combination of both) a maximum of 35 percent of the total credit hours required for the degree in question at EU. In exceptional cases, the Equivalence Committee may, on recommendation of concerned Dean, consider extending the credits up to 40 percent. Courses with C+ grades as per Eastern University standard may be considered for transfer or exemption. For the purpose of transferring credits, the Equivalence Committee of the University determines equivalence of courses and grades for each transfer student. The curriculum, evaluation system and grading standard of the university from which the student is transferring must be comparable to those of Eastern University which reserves the right to make final decision on transfer.
Provisional Admission
Students who have appeared at the last required examination for admission may apply for provisional admission. Every student must submit the required certificates and other documents at the time of admission. Applicants seeking admission who are not able to produce one or more documents at the time of admission may be admitted provisionally. All provisionally admitted students are required to submit appropriate documents within a given deadline as a prerequisite for continued enrollment.
Non-degree Students
A student of another university or equivalent educational institution may register in courses as non-degree student on payment of requisite fees for such students. The total number of courses s/he may register in shall not exceed 50 percent of the courses required for the degree.
Course Waiver/Exemption for Graduate Students
A graduate student with undergraduate degree from Eastern University may get waiver or exemption of courses to a maximum of 50% of the total credits required for the degree. A graduate student with undergraduate degree from other universities may get waiver or exemption of courses to a maximum of 35% of the total credits required for the degree. In exceptional cases, the limit may be raised to 40% by the appropriate authority. Transcripts and other supporting documents must be submitted with the application for exemption/waiver.
Student Identification Card
A new student receives, upon admission, an identification (ID) card with a unique number. This card is used for entering and staying in the campus, attending classes, using the library, internet and computer services, etc. The students must take good care of the ID and must report of its loss, if any, to the Registrar’s Office immediately so that the card can be cancelled to prevent its misuse. The Registrar’s Office will issue a duplicate ID Card upon application and payment of fees by the student. A student is liable to pay for any loss incurred by the University for the missing the card.
All new students must participate in the orientation program at the beginning of the semester. Students are encouraged to bring along their parents / guardians to the orientation ceremony. The orientation program acquaints the students with the academic system of the University, academic rules, educational opportunities, facilities and services available at the University.
Admission Form
1. Students seeking admission can collect Admission Form from the Admission Office or download it from the following link :
Download Admission Form
2. Duly filled-in Admission Form should be submitted to the Admission Office with required fees and 2 (two) copies of passport size attested photographs within deadline. (Refer to Admission Procedure below for details on how to get admitted)
Admission for Summer 2011
Last date of Application
: 6 June 2011
Admission Test
: 7 June 2011 3:00 pm
* For undergraduate programs: Students with average GPA 4 or above in SSC (or equivalent) exam and HSC (or equivalent) exam do not need to sit for the admission test.
Admission Schedule
Eastern University admits students every semester. Admission schedule of the semester showing deadlines for admission form submission, admission test, admission fee payment, registration, withdrawal, class commencement etc. is available on the web site of the University The admission schedule may also be known from the Admission Office and from frequent admission announcements published by the University in the leading news papers. The students seeking admission should visit web site of Eastern University or contact the Admission Office for admission form and further information.
Admission Office
The Admission Office is located on the ground floor of Campus Building 1 of the University at the following address:
Eastern University
House # 15/2, Road # 3, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205
Phone: +88 02 9676031-5 Ext:- 101,102 Fax: 9675981
Mobile: +88 01741300002, +88 01823660833
Candidates from Nepal may contact:
Students Pvt. Ltd.
House # 63 (1st Floor), Thapathali,
Jaycees Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4269146
Mobile: +977-9851057227, +977-9841718897, +977-9803002161
Admission requirements for Undergraduate Programs:
Candidates with a minimum GPA of 2.50 in both SSC/Dakhil and HSC/Alim/Diploma from Technical Education Board or Minimum GPA of 2.00 in one of those examination. with total GPA of 6.00 in both the exams are eligible for admission .The GCE students must have passed five subjects in O-Level and two subjects in A-Level.
Admission requirements for Graduate Programs:
Students must have at least second division or GPA of 2.50 in SSC and HSC exams or have passed at least five subjects in O-Level and two subjects in A-Level and have minimum second class or GPA of 2.50 in Bachelor Level. Executive MBA Program requires in addition at least 2 years of job experience.
Admission Procedure
Undergraduate Programs:
A candidate seeking admission in Undergraduate Program must
1. Collect or download prescribed admission form.
2. Fill-in prescribed admission form.
3. Submit the admission form with 2 copies of passport size attested colour photograph within the
deadline and pay for the Admission form, if you have not already paid.
4. Collect admit card for admission Test.
5. Appear at the Admission Test. Students with average GPA 4 or above in SSC (or equivalent) exam and HSC (or equivalent) exam do not need to sit for the admission test.
6. Submit attested copies of certificates/testimonials of all examinations passed.
7. Submit 2 copies of passport size and 2 copies of stamp size attested colour photographs.
8. Pay admission and other fees within the deadline in Dhaka Bank, Road No. 7, Dhanmondi R/A or in
any branch of Dhaka Bank,
9. Show the bank receipt to the Admission Office, complete other formalities and collect ID Number.
10. Collect ID Card when ready from the Program Office of your Faculty.
11. Collect invitation letter of Orienation program from the Admission Office to join the program
Graduate Programs:
A candidate seeking admission in Graduate Program must
1. Collect or download prescribed admission form.
2. Attach attested copies of all certificates/testimonials and mark sheets/transcripts of all examinations
3. Attach 4 copies of passport size and 2 copies of stamp size attested colour photographs.
4. Pay for the admission form, if you have not already paid.
5. Pay admission and other fees within the deadline in Dhaka Bank, Road No. 7,
Dhanmondi R/A or in any branch of the Dhaka Bank.
6. Show the bank receipt to the Admission Office, complete other formalities and collect ID Number.
7. Collect ID Card when ready from the Program Office of your Faculty.
8. Collect invitation letter of Orienation program from the Admission Office to join the program
International Students
Individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of Bangladesh are defined as international applicants. International applicants seeking admission into EU must meet the same academic standards as those required for Bangladeshi students. There are wide variations, however, among educational systems throughout the world that make an exact comparison of educational standards difficult. International applicants who cannot sit for admission test are selected on the basis of their prior academic results, English proficiency, probability of success in the chosen curriculum as evidenced by prior work in the academic area involved, and certification of adequate financial resources.
Transfer Students
Transfer students are expected to have at least a 2.00 CGPA on a 4-point scale at the University level programs to be considered for admission to Eastern University. They have to sit for and pass the Admission Test unless waived by EU Authority.
Catalogs and official transcripts from previously attended Universities must be furnished with the application for admission. If needed, transcripts may have to be sent directly to the EU Registrar's Office from each institution attended. An undergraduate student may transfer (through grade transfer or course exemption or a combination of both) a maximum of 35 percent of the total credit hours required for the degree in question at EU. In exceptional cases, the Equivalence Committee may, on recommendation of concerned Dean, consider extending the credits up to 40 percent. Courses with C+ grades as per Eastern University standard may be considered for transfer or exemption. For the purpose of transferring credits, the Equivalence Committee of the University determines equivalence of courses and grades for each transfer student. The curriculum, evaluation system and grading standard of the university from which the student is transferring must be comparable to those of Eastern University which reserves the right to make final decision on transfer.
Provisional Admission
Students who have appeared at the last required examination for admission may apply for provisional admission. Every student must submit the required certificates and other documents at the time of admission. Applicants seeking admission who are not able to produce one or more documents at the time of admission may be admitted provisionally. All provisionally admitted students are required to submit appropriate documents within a given deadline as a prerequisite for continued enrollment.
Non-degree Students
A student of another university or equivalent educational institution may register in courses as non-degree student on payment of requisite fees for such students. The total number of courses s/he may register in shall not exceed 50 percent of the courses required for the degree.
Course Waiver/Exemption for Graduate Students
A graduate student with undergraduate degree from Eastern University may get waiver or exemption of courses to a maximum of 50% of the total credits required for the degree. A graduate student with undergraduate degree from other universities may get waiver or exemption of courses to a maximum of 35% of the total credits required for the degree. In exceptional cases, the limit may be raised to 40% by the appropriate authority. Transcripts and other supporting documents must be submitted with the application for exemption/waiver.
Student Identification Card
A new student receives, upon admission, an identification (ID) card with a unique number. This card is used for entering and staying in the campus, attending classes, using the library, internet and computer services, etc. The students must take good care of the ID and must report of its loss, if any, to the Registrar’s Office immediately so that the card can be cancelled to prevent its misuse. The Registrar’s Office will issue a duplicate ID Card upon application and payment of fees by the student. A student is liable to pay for any loss incurred by the University for the missing the card.
All new students must participate in the orientation program at the beginning of the semester. Students are encouraged to bring along their parents / guardians to the orientation ceremony. The orientation program acquaints the students with the academic system of the University, academic rules, educational opportunities, facilities and services available at the University.
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